Late Pledge Store - The Old King's Crown: A Tale of Royalty, Rebels and Ruses
Created by Eerie Idol Games
Strategic board game for 1-4 players. An empty throne, a crumbling kingdom and the heirs that would claim it. What Crown Will You Wear?
Latest Updates from Our Project:
You're cordially invited to spectate the inaugural Grand Tourney
5 days ago
– Fri, Mar 07, 2025 at 04:32:39 AM
Hello everyone!
We’re a little earlier than usual this month. This is a shorter post to remind folks who are interested in seeing the game played live on steam that now is a great opportunity to jump on board!
Also, have no fear, we’ll be back in a week or so, with a full monthly update as usual!
This Saturday (8th of March - which is tomorrow at the time of publishing this update) is the opening of the inaugural The Old King's Crown Champions Invitational Tournament (say that three times quickly!). This double-elimination competition pits a number of content creators and members of the community, as they go head-to-head to claim the crown, glory and most importantly, prizes!
Each game is going to be hosted and streamed by the tournament’s organiser, Jaffles and will be played using Tabletop Simulator.
In particular we’ll be using a brand new TTS mod that includes all final artwork and rules, as well as a bunch of automated quality of life features (such as auto-shuffling and clean-up. So fancy!). This will be a great way to get a sneak-peek at the full game, ahead of the approaching manufacturing and fulfilment.
If you would like to watch the games live and participate in the chat, the opening round’s games are being streamed here.
There will be three games played as part of the opening round of the tournament:
Game A sees seasoned playtest veterans go head to head. Expect to see expert use of each faction's abilities as these players utilise creative synergies and devious tactics to claim victory. Game A will be streamed at 9AM Pacific, 12pm Eastern and 5pm GMT.
Game B features renowned content creators, Lord of the Board (you may be familiar with his work if you watched his fantastic preview of The Old King's Crown during the Kickstarter campaign) and Nevakanezah (Root strategy guru). These two will be up against some of our most elite playtesters. Can they hold their own against them and emerge victorious? Game B will be streamed at 4PM Pacific, 7pm Eastern and 12am GMT.
Game C sees French content creator Nixx face off against two formidable playtesters from our community. Can he come out on top? Game C will be streamed at 6AM Pacific, 9AM Eastern and 2PM GMT.
If you want to catch up on the games after they’ve been played, at your leisure, they will be uploaded after the fact, here.
Here’s some further details on the tournament from Jaffles herself:
Additionally, the team here at Eerie Idols have put together a primer video for the tournament competitors to gain some valuable tips and tricks to help them claim victory. Part-teach and part-quick-strategy-guide, this is a great place to start if for the WHAT and WHY of the game!
This is an informal overview of the games structure and systems and isn't an official teaching video. We will be creating a series of high quality How to Play and tutorial videos in the near future that we can't wait to share with you all!
And of course, if you're interested in reading the rules yourself, here is the final rulebook in full!
Finally, if you’re interested in watching an informal two-hour teach, strategy chit-chat and playthrough of an opening Round of the game, grab a hot drink and join two creators, Lord of the Board and Nevakanezah, (who, amongst other things, are known for their excellent Root-related content) as Jaffles takes them through it all.
Note, this also isn’t a formal how-to-play video and is instead a more informal chat and teach, however, Jaffles did such a lovely job that we wanted to share it with you all:
Thanks to Jaffles and everyone involved in bringing this tournament to life. Whilst we've been busy finalising the files for manufacture, members of our community have been cooking this up. We're floored by their passion and enthusiasm for the game, and for all the time and effort they've put into it. So a huge thank you to them!
If you have any questions about the game, the rules or the tournament come join us on Discord, full of friendly players who can lend a hand! And, of course, the perfect venue to follow along with the community as the tournament kicks off!
All the best, hopefully see you there and on stream and we’ll be back later in the month with our regularly scheduled updates covering all the good progress we’ve made in the past month!
Pablo and the Eerie Idols team
February 2025 Development Update
22 days ago
– Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 10:05:08 AM
Hi everyone!
We’re back for one of our last updates before The Old King’s Crown hits Panda GM’s shiny printing presses. We’ve got some incredibly exciting things to share this month, however, before that, there’s a little housekeeping we need to quickly cover:
Since the pledge manager officially closed at end of the January, the process of charging cards has now mostly completed. However, we still have over 250 backers whose cards either need to be updated or approved through their banks before those orders can be finalised. If your card has not yet been able to be charged, you should be getting semi regular email reminders from Backerkit which includes a link to update your payment details in order to complete your pledge. If you are encountering any issues with the payment process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our fulfilment team over at [email protected] who will be able to assist you further.
As a reminder, you are still able to update your shipping address and will be able to right up until fulfilment begins. If you are planning to move shortly, you can update your address by accessing your survey here.
A while back, in late January, our first batch of PPCs (Pre-Production Copies) of the game arrived in the studio. It was an extremely important step and marked a huge milestone for the project. We're now really excited to share some details with you.
NOTE ON PPCs - These versions are designed to be a proof of the final product but are printed digitally in a way that approximates the final colours, look and feel. They are used to review all the elements from the size of final components, brightness, saturation, layout and clarity of text. Additionally, some of the more elaborate elements are cut manually for this process, rather than using fancy cutters and presses. So, you may notice some rough edges on things like the dual-layer player boards. This is all part of the process and does not reflect the final version finish - which will be oh so much fancier!
So, let’s take a look at it!
A 4-player game in progress showing the Kingdom Board, wooden pieces and a selection of Faction Cards.
A close up of the Gathering's Player Board complete with Supporters and Kingdom Cards. Note: The edges of these tiles are rough cut as part of the PPC production process. The final version will be much more refined as excepted from Panda.
Since its arrival we’ve been poring over the PPC, playtesting and burning the midnight oil as we implement any amends and improvements. This period in the process is one of our absolute final opportunities to scrutinise every inch of it and make any necessary adjustments to inform the version that will be shipped out to you all.
It has been a really fun and fulfilling process for the whole team, seeing everything in the base game collected together like this. I mean, look at all this stuff! (And this isn’t even including the Wild Kingdom expansion 👀)
A bird’s eye view of some of the box contents. Most of the cards in the game are all in neat stacks in this picture, so there’s a lot left to discover. Additionally, even by standing on the tallest chair in the studio we couldn't fit in all the sheets and rule books. Trust us the game will ship with rule books included!
Although this version was almost there, we’ve already implemented a plethora of fine tuning to the visuals and layouts since the PPC’s arrival and the game is looking and playing like a dream!
The Old King’s Crown has been in development for over five years and to see it come together in a complete package like this is exhilarating. More now than ever, we can’t wait for you all to get your hands on it.
A selection of the large wooden Heralds and Supporter pieces that are included in the base game.
With the final tweaks to our files nearly complete, we’re gearing up to send the updated files to our language partners. From there, they, alongside us, will submit our final versions to our manufacturer, Panda GM, officially kicking off the mass production process. Our next big milestone on the project will be receipt of the first mass production copy of the game. This will be the fully component complete game and should be identical to the version that everyone will receive. At that point we’ll be able to showcase the final production elements in much greater detail, including the moulded plastic insert that comes as standard with the game!
Warriors come out to plaaayaaay!
In other exciting news we are proud to announce an upcoming event kicking off this March… The Old King’s Crown Champions Invitational!
This online tournament will see 12 players battle it out for the chance to etch their name in the annals and glittering halls of this ancient kingdom (as well as other prizes including a donation to a charity of their choice ;)
Our pool of Brave (and/or Foolhardy) Champions ™ includes some fantastic players from our Discord community, some with seriously impressive win-rates. Additionally they will be joined by some wonderful creators, including:
Fred Serval (Designer of GMT-published A Gest of Robin Hood and host of the excellent Homo Ludens channel).
The mighty Nevakanezah (All round ROOT expert. And now that we’ve seen their extensive strategy notes for The Old King’s Crown, it’s clear they’ve come to win).
Nixx (Fantastic board game creator and all round nice guy. However, will he stay friendly once the cards start to fly?).
and Sam Smith aka Lord of the Board (Strategy maven, maker of the most beautiful board game content and occasional bard).
It’s sure to be a lot of fun and must-watch for anyone keen to see The Old King’s Crown played by some top tier players. A great way to scope out just what is possible, all the fun and weird builds you can make and start researching some advanced strategies and synergies before you sit down with your own copy for that "friendly” game with friends & family.
So whilst we here at the studio have been busy reviewing the pre-production copies and putting the final touches to the game, a dedicated group in our community have been organising and preparing this upcoming tournament.
We couldn’t have done it without their help and in particular we’d like to extend a massive thank you to Jaffles for all the amazing organisational and creative work she’s put into the tournament, as well as an equally large thank-you to Mathias for his fantastic efforts building a brand new Tabletop Simulator Mod that will be used for the tournament. This new automated build of the digital TTS game is full of lots lovely quality of life features, as well as fully integrated art, and we can’t wait to see it in action in the upcoming tournament. We hope to make this new Tabletop Simulator mod of The Old King’s Crown available to all further down the line (in the meantime the non-automated version is available for all).
If you would like to tune into the tournament live or catch up with the games later with videos on demand, Jaffles will be hosting the Champions Invitational over on her Twitch (to watch it live) YouTube (to watch the matches afterwards at your leisure) channel starting on the weekend commencing March 8th.
Peregrine the Captain and Rook the Engineer are just two of the skilled Aeronauts ready to lend their expertise to your faction.
If you ordered the Wild Kingdom expansion you’ll find it full of different modules that you can mix and match, adding them into the base game experience.
One such module sees the Aeronauts, a crew and flying ship out of time, now sighted in the skies over the kingdom.
Peregrine and Rook alongside the large wooden Near & Far piece.
Not only is the crew made up of powerful cards that you can recruit (four in total, with two pictured above!) but with some careful planning you can even secure their majestic airship, a wooden piece that you can use to strengthen your forces regions across the map!
We can't wait to see what combos and builds folks come up with once they start mixing their chosen Faction, the many neutral Kingdom Cards that can be acquired and these extra modules!
The Cracked Sundial. One of the powerful Kingdom Cards that feature in the base game.
Our next update should arrive by the time all our files have been delivered and the manufacturing process may very well be underway! We are nearly there!
As always if you have any questions let us know, thanks for the continued support and we hope you have a wonderful week!
Until next time, all the best from Ken, Pablo, Andrew and the rest of the Eerie Idols team!
January 2025 Development Update - A final surprise reveal
about 2 months ago
– Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 09:44:12 AM
Happy new year everyone!
We hope you all had a wonderful festive period. We’re back with our first update of the year, and we’ve got a bunch of exciting stuff to cover. With that, let's dive right in, starting with the final big reveal of this campaign.
We’re absolutely delighted to be able to reveal the final box art for The Old King’s Crown! This is the cover that you will see when your copy of the game arrives on your doorstep later this year.
Over the past year, our team has been focused on refining every aspect of The Old King’s Crown. From the updated Kingdom Board and improved card designs to a fully revised rulebook, so many hours of additional playtesting and faction balance, as well as expanded rosters of cards, councils and abilities. We’ve worked hard to ensure the game delivers the richest possible player experience from the moment you gather round the table to play. Of course, we wanted the box to receive that same level of care and attention that the rest of the game has received. Initially, at the start of the Kickstarter campaign, the box art was the same art as the map that you clash over throughout the game. We all here at the studio felt that we wanted to expand the world and include a box that featured bespoke art rather than an existing asset that features prominently on the table. So Pablo set about illustrating a piece that brings together a lot of the ideas and visual elements from the game and comes packed full of easter eggs and references hidden amongst its details. The image that covers the box is now a single continuous illustration that follows caravans and travellers as they wend their way towards the bright domes of a settlement, nestled amongst the mountains and stones.
The front cover. This panel will sit on top of the box and lies at the centre of the image.
Here is the entire illustration, with each panel laid out flat.
I’m sure you’ll all agree that the many hours Pablo has put into illustrating this final piece of art is a perfect window into the kingdom you will soon be visiting.
A traveller arrives.
Hey, everyone, it’s Pablo here. I just wanted to take the time to say a big thank you to you all and a happy new year. I hope you enjoy the box as much as I enjoyed making it. Good luck finding all the hidden details!
I would also like to take a moment to personally thank Ian O’Toole for his help and advice with the box illustration. He took time out of his busy schedule to provide invaluable feedback and guidance on the box art, on a number of occasions, and I’m extremely grateful to him for that. Cheers, Ian!
Look closely and you might just see some familiar faces and places that feature throughout the game.
You may meet this curious relic in some of your games.
The sites of many ancient monuments and battlefields still litter the land.
Controlling an airship port can add invaluable mobility to your forces.
Don’t worry though, the artwork from the previous box that was shown throughout our press previews and during the Kickstarter campaign isn’t going anywhere. It still features front and centre as you gather around the Kingdom Board to clash and scheme your way to victory. It too has received even further polish and refinement, which we’ll feature in manufacturing updates down the line. We can’t wait for you to see it in person when your own copies of the games arrive.
As we move into the final steps of the project, it is now time to confirm and lock in the final production quantities with our manufacturer, Panda GM. With this milestone in sight, we’ll be closing the pledge manager and late pledge store on January 31st. Additionally, at this time your card will be charged for your shipping fee, along with any applicable VAT / sales tax depending on your country.
After Jan 31st you will no longer be able to modify the products included with your order, so if you would like to make any final modifications to your order, now is the time to do so. Additionally, if any friends and family that may have missed the Kickstarter campaign but still wish to get hold of their own copy of the game at the same time as the rest of our incredible backers, now is the perfect time to let them know.
Most of you have long since completed their surveys and at this point there is nothing further that you need to do. We still have around 10% of backers who are yet to complete their pledge manager, so if you think this might be you, you can either recover your survey by following this link, or by reaching out to our fulfilment team at [email protected]. We have included a guide on how to complete your pledge in our previous update which you can find here.
Please note that although the pledge manager and late pledge store is closing, you will still be able to update your delivery address right up until we begin local fulfilment from our distribution centres.
APPLE RELAY NOTE: Some backers who signed up to Kickstarter using an Apple ID may have received a direct message from our fulfilment partner at Naylor Games asking to confirm that we have an updated email address on Backerkit. This message was sent to all backers who used an Apple ID and we know many of you have already updated your email address directly in Backerkit. If this is the case, you can safely ignore this note. If you are unsure as to whether you have updated your email address, or aren’t sure how to do so, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our fulfilment team over at [email protected] who will be able to assist you with your pledge.
In other exciting news, a new batch of the wooden pieces that will come with both The Old King’s Crown base game and Wild Kingdom expansion have arrived with us here, ahead of our pre-production copy of the game arriving next week. We’re delighted with how these have turned out and seeing what is very close to the final components is a truly thrilling experience. There are still some final amends and requests we will be making to the further improve the quality of these centrepiece components to ensure they stand out on your table.
The Heralds & Supporters for each faction. Please note that the board they are placed on is an old studio prototype that we cut out (and taped together) ourselves. The final version will be much more premium!
The Season Marker printed features a painted metallic gold finish.
The Wild Kingdom pieces. From left to right: the Aeronauts' Near & Far flying ship, the Travelling Town and finally the Whispering Tower.
The Legendary Creatures are a module found within the Wild Kingdom expansion. To accompany these pieces each Faction also gains a brand new card with their faction's mythical mascot.
With the arrival of the pre-production copy of the game imminent (it is on the water!), we will begin the final review of all components found within to ensure that everything receives the same level of care and attention ahead of manufacture. We’ll be back with another update very soon to show off some of these components when the pre-production copy arrives with us here in the Eerie Idols studio next week.
Whilst the team here has been putting the finishing touches on the game, our language partners are beginning to wrap up their localisations of the game. It has been a pleasure to work with each of our partners and their passion, professionalism and commitment to delivering this game in a way that matches and supports our vision has been inspiring. In this update, we’re excited to be able to show off some of the localised versions of the French edition of the game. This edition of the game has been translated by the experienced Transludis and published through our partner Matagot.
The Nobility - Vial Sect
The Uprising - Baron Cuttlefish
Airship Docks Kingdom Card
Whilst the mammoth undertaking of translating all text within the game has been completed by our partners, some have requested additional time to complete the final layout and proofing of their files for print. To ensure this vital process isn’t rushed, potentially introducing errors or discrepancies between versions, we are actively supporting and working with our partners on this request. As a result of this, we do anticipate a slight delay to the delivery date, however this is measured in weeks rather than months and we’ll keep everyone informed of any delays as we learn of them.
Lock in our final order quantities for this initial print run of the game with our manufacturing partner Panda GM which we will proceed with once the pledge manager closes at the end of the month.
With the pre-production copy arriving with us next week, the final review of all files and components in the game begins. Once this process is finished, mass production is ready to begin.
That's it for this update, but stay tuned for images and previews of the pre-production copy of the game as it arrives with us next week.
Thanks for your ongoing support and have a great rest of the month!
Andrew, Pablo, Ken and the rest of the Eerie Idols team.
December 2024 Progress Update
3 months ago
– Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 03:13:50 AM
Hello everyone!
I hope you’re all doing well and that this time of year is treating you well. The nights have well and truly drawn in here in Scotland as the festive season rolls around. We’re happy to be back with this latest update, the last one of the year, and one in which we cover another major milestone reached. Thanks to you all for following us on this journey, and for your continued support. It means the world to us. Now, let’s jump right in!
The team has been hard at work ensuring The Old King’s Crown continues to progress towards manufacture, and we remain on track to be fulfilling in April 2025! (If you missed it previously, you can read more about the update to the original timeline in this previous update post).
As our language partners near the end of the translation work, localising the base game and the Wild Kingdom expansion into the first-print-run's various language editions, the team here at the studio have been busy preparing everything for manufacture of the pre-production copies of the game. I’m pleased to say that this milestone has now been reached and all the files are now submitted, reviewed and approved.
We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Panda GM, our manufacturing partner, whose help and guidance was invaluable during this process.
We will have a pre-production unit arriving at the studio here in Scotland in the near future. Pre-production copies, whilst not final products, are very close to the final thing.
This unit will allow us to review all final print layouts, fine tune the colours, values and presentation, making any final amends as required, ensuring all details are just right before full manufacturing begins.
We can’t wait to share photos of what the nearly-final version of the game will look like when it arrives with us here. Stay tuned for some exciting glimpses soon!
As we shared in our last update, we're approaching the final stages of closing the pledge manager and processing card charges. However, with the festive season in full swing, we understand this might not be the best timing for everyone. To make things easier, we’ve decided to hold off these card charges until late next month. We’ll be back with another update early next month with the exact closing date and a final reminder to complete your pledge manager survey if you’ve yet to do so.
If you are still to complete your pledge, or wish to add any further add-ons to your order you still have time to do so. You’ll find a guide on how to complete your pledge manager at the bottom of this update. Additionally, if you would prefer to charge your card now, instead of waiting until next month, you can do so by contacting our fulfilment team over at [email protected] who will be able to help you out (along with any other pledge manager questions you might have!)
Now that the files are being submitted and any remaining final touches or pieces of art are being wrapped up, we couldn’t resist showing off a few more never before seen pieces of artwork, alongside a discussion of some of their effects in game.
As always, if you’d like to learn more about the game and read the rules in advance, the following resources are available:
Once the game is off to manufacture early next year, we’re also keen to create and commission a bunch of videos, covering how the game has developed, along with overview, how to play and strategy vids to help players dive into the kingdom right away!
The Nobility Player Board showing the Royal Bank HQ Card alongside two Occupied Kingdom Cards: Mustering Banner and Old King's Shield.
That’s it for this update but we’ll be back early next month with one more big surprise reveal for the game!
In the meantime, the team here will shortly be taking a short time off over the festive period to rest and recharge, before the final push to complete the project early next year! However, as always, if you have any questions, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
We hope you all have a wonderful festive period if you celebrate and (fingers-crossed) you get an opportunity to play that game that’s been sitting on your shelf.
We can’t thank you all enough for all your patience, encouragement, input and support this year. It has continued to be a great source of inspiration here at the studio. We simply cannot wait to get you this game and for you all to see all that we’ve put into it!
Andrew, Pablo, Ken & the Eerie Idols team
The following will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to complete your Pledge Manager survey. There is also a guide on how to check whether you’ve already submitted your survey as well as information on how to change your address if required.
From here insert the email address you use for Kickstarter and click "Get my Survey". Check your emails for your survey link which should have now been resent to you.
Insert the email address you used for Kickstarter and click "Get my Survey".
Once you have opened the email click on the ‘Click Here to Respond” Button. This will open your Pledge Manager page in a browser page. From here you should see the pledge-level you backed on Kickstarter listed. Click "Get Started!" to continue.
Click "Get Started!" to continue.
The first page is an information screen that will explain that your shipping cost will be correctly calculated once you have input your address at a later step. Select the “Got it!” radial button. If you backed the project at the £1 Supporter level on Kickstarter, clicking next will take you straight to the add-ons page where you can choose a pledge level to select (you will be able to select your desired language once you have added a game to your cart).
Click Got It! and then the "Next" button at the bottom of the page to continue.
If you backed at the base game or above pledge level on Kickstarter you will first be asked to choose your desired language for the base game and the expansion. You may choose from English, French, Spanish or Polish. Once selected, click "Next: Add-ons" to continue.
Select the language you would like your game to be in and click "Next" to continue.
On this page you will see a list of add-ons that you may add to your order. These include the LaserOx wooden insert, the card sleeve pack, as well as additional copies of the base game, expansion and Art Print Pack. When you have added any further items you wish to include in your order click the “Next” button. You may simply click “Next” to skip this step if you do not wish to include any add-ons in your order.
Choose any add-ons you would like to include in your order. If you do not want to add any add-ons, click "Next" to continue.
On the following page you will be asked to fill in your shipping information. This will then calculate the correct shipping price for your country. You will be able to change this address at a later date if you expect to move house between now and when fulfilment begins. Once you’ve input your details, click the "Next" button.
Insert your shipping information and click "Next" to continue.
Finally, on the last page you will be asked to enter your payment details. Your card will not be charged immediately, instead will be charged a little after the Pledge Manager closes. On this screen you should now see your updated shipping fees and VAT. Click the “Place my Order” button to confirm your pledge.
Insert your payment information and click "Place My Order" to finalise your order.
That’s it! You’ve now confirmed your pledge and there is nothing further that you need to do.
If you do still encounter any issues, please get in contact with our fulfilment partner at [email protected] who will be able to assist with any problems.
If you think you might have already completed the Pledge Manager Survey but aren’t sure, follow these steps:
2. Input the email address you use on Kickstarter and click the “Get My Survey” button.
3. A link to the survey will be sent to your email address which will allow you access to your Pledge Manager. Click the link in the email sent to you to be taken to your Pledge Manager.
4. From here you can check the status of your survey as well as options to modify your order with any add-ons, as well as change your address. If you haven't completed your survey, you will be prompted to complete the steps listed in the above section.
November 2024 Development Update
4 months ago
– Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 04:58:26 AM
Hello everyone,
We hope you're all well! We're happy to bring you this month’s update, packed with exciting developments for The Old King’s Crown. Let’s jump right in!
In our previous update, we shared that our files were in the midst of translation and localization. That process is still ongoing with our language partners working their way through the translation and layout of our materials. We are expecting the first round of review files to land in our hands very soon! We’re on track to wrap up this process by mid-December, after which the manufacturing phase is ready to begin.
While that’s been underway, the team here at Eerie Idols HQ has been hard at work finalising components for both the base game and the Wild Kingdom expansion. We’re now ready to share several exciting details that many of you have been eager to hear about. Let’s start with a closer look at the box inserts that will come standard with the game!
We're excited to unveil some of the very first renders and images of the base game and Wild Kingdom inserts that will come as standard in each box! These custom-moulded plastic inserts are designed to keep every component neatly organised. One of our primary goals with this design process was to create inserts that comfortably accommodate sleeved cards, whilst still providing protection for unsleeved cards and the other components such as the Sites of Power tiles and dual-layer Player Boards.
To achieve this, we’ve planned enough room in each compartment to fit the added height of sleeved decks. However, for those who prefer unsleeved cards, don’t worry—we've ensured that your cards stay snug and secure during storage and transport by placing the additional components directly on top of the card wells to lock them in once everything is packed away. Let’s explore how each component fits into the base game.
At the bottom of the insert, you’ll find two wells designed for Faction Cards. If you intend to sleeve your cards, the faction deck is split across these two tarot-sized compartments. If you prefer not to sleeve your cards, all the faction cards fit neatly into a single tray, freeing up the other to hold neutral wooden pieces—like Season, Round, and Active Player markers—plus the influence and lore tokens (Note: there is room for these regardless, as we'll cover just a bit further on :)
Alongside these tarot-sized compartments, there are two other smaller, bridge-sized spaces. One holds all the Kingdom Cards, while the other houses the solo mode Threat, Ambition, and Scheme cards. The Solo mode tokens such as the Herald, Supporters, and Faction markers are stored top. The remaining solo mode cards have their own spaces as well. Forge Cards sit on a lower indented tray which then in turn are then held securely by the Simulacrum’s Faction Cards.
All cards sit in dedicated wells on the bottom layer of the insert
Directly above, the Site of Power tiles for each faction lock the cards in the bottom layer in place.
Above these tiles, you’ll find the Council tile, along with the four Player Boards and the solo mode board. Loose components for each faction (wooden pieces like Heralds and Supporters, plus Tactic tiles and markers) and neutral pieces (if you previously sleeved your cards) can then be stored on top.
Finally, the Kingdom Board and rulebooks sit atop everything, locking all the components securely in place.
The Site of Power tiles, Councils tile and Player Board sit on top of the cards lock them in place.
The Wild Kingdom is also receiving a moulded plastic insert that houses the different modules found within the box. This follows the same design approach as the base game and provides plenty of space for the tiles, cards and pieces so they are safely protected. Both the Whispering Tower board and Night Map tiles fit in one tray whilst the wooden pieces, metal coins, drawstring bag and additional tokens are stored in the second tray. Finally the Negotiation cards, Kingdom Cards and Faction cards are stored in the third tray.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst these images give a close indication of what the finished inserts will look like, these are still subject to changes and adjustments as we move further through the manufacturing process. We may need to modify some dimensions and layouts to ensure everything fits correctly once all components have been printed. In particular the box art featured is placeholder for preview purposes.
We have designed these inserts to provide quick and easy access to the components you need depending on whether you wish to battle your friends in the multiplayer game or take on the Simulacrum in the solo mode. However, if you wish to take your storage solution for the game to the next level, you can add the custom wooden insert designed by the folks over at Laserox to your order via the Pledge Manager. This insert features several laser cut wooden boxes featuring designs and motifs from the game and will allow you to store both the base game and wild kingdom components together in one box (all with sleeved cards!)
The Laserox wooden insert showing the custom trays for all component types!
The metal Influence Tokens that will be included in every copy of the Wild Kingdom expansion have also received another round of development and polish. The intention with these coins was to continue the theme and overall design parity as the standard cardboard tokens. The one-value coin however, features a punched out central hole that further defines the coin’s silhouette whilst the five-value features several layer extrusion, adding weight and depth to the coins. When combined with the wooden screen-printed pieces we wanted these deluxe metal components to feel like they add weight, age and character to the world!
Metal Influence Tokens next to some Supporters and Heralds meeples.
Finally, the Active Player Marker that all of our backers who pledge at the base game and above will receive as part of their order. This too has seen further development and refinement. Building from the original sundial motif found on the wooden Active Player Marker, the metal coin also features several layered extrusions giving the coin a satisfying tactile feel as you pass it around the table.
The metal Active Player marker
Note - We will still be actively refining these components throughout the manufacturing process. Colours and materials may therefore vary from those shown above.
Following on from the recently updated multiplayer Tabletop Simulator (including all Wild Kingdom components), the dedicated solo-mode mod has received a further update to bring it in line with the final build of the game. All components are now text-complete, including the new Forge system that allows you to create your own custom opponents, with each providing their own threats and challenges for you to outwit and overcome.
The solo mode has seen the same level of development work as the main multiplayer game since the Kickstarter campaign concluded and the work that Ricky Royal has put into this game has been nothing short of incredible. We’re delighted that we’ve had the opportunity to bring his extensive design experience into the game.
As with the main TTS build, several pieces of placeholder artwork can be found in this mod and these will eventually be updated with the final illustrations once we begin the fulfilment process of the physical games. We explain more of the reasoning for this decision in the previous update here if you wish to learn more.
Check out the link to the solo mode Tabletop Simulator Mod here.
Looking for a community to discuss strategies and post your high scores? Join our friendly community over on Discord where we have a dedicated solo mode channel.
New Artwork
It just wouldn’t be an Old King’s Crown update without sharing some artwork with you all! Take a look at a sample of just some of the cards you’ll find within the game box.
The Uprising - Guerrilla Fighters - 'Size means nothing with an arrow in your eye.'
The Uprising - The Fence - “It’s all for a good cause.”
The Old King's Helm Kingdom Card. This card allows you to move eliminated cards back to hand, allowing for clear combo potential.
Initially we had planned to close the pledge manager next month and charge your cards for shipping / VAT, however we’re aware that during the Christmas / Holiday period these charges may be unwelcome. Instead, we have decided to close the pledge manager at the beginning of next year. This marks the cutoff period where we need to lock in the final production quantities with our manufacturer. Rest assured, this has no impact on the timeline and production will still be moving forward as previously outlined. Additionally, if you would prefer not to wait and would like to charge your card now, please feel free to get in touch with our fulfilment team over at [email protected] who will be able to help you out with this, along with any other questions you have about the pledge manager.
With the results of the recent election in the United States, there has been a lot of speculation and pre-emptive planning in the industry around how a proposed 60% tariff on goods being imported into the United States from China will be resolved. We’re actively monitoring this situation, working with our fulfilment and shipping partners to prepare for any such occasion and to be able to ensure safe delivery to our backers. With those current projections and tariffs being accounted for, we are projected to be able to fully absorb the additional costs at our end and so hike in prices will not affect backers of this project. We will of course continue to monitor the situation and to consult with our capable partners. If any further developments arise we will make sure to update you all. We thank you for your patience in this matter!
That’s it for this update, but we’ll be back next month with another update for you all. Including some real exciting big reveals that we're really looking forward to sharing! Until then, all the best, thanks for your support and we hope you get some good gaming in!
Andrew, Pablo, Ken & the Eerie Idols team.
PS. Apologies if the quality of the images in this update is lower than normal. Kickstarter appears to currently be having issues with image uploads.