Late Pledge Store - The Old King's Crown: A Tale of Royalty, Rebels and Ruses
Created by Eerie Idol Games
Strategic board game for 1-4 players. An empty throne, a crumbling kingdom and the heirs that would claim it. What Crown Will You Wear?
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Thank You All!
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 09:48:31 AM
What an incredible and inspiring experience this has been - a campaign full of kind words, thoughtful questions and uplifting positivity.
Our small team has been blown away by your support, and your encouragement throughout has been nothing short of special indeed.
We’re so thankful to each and every one of you and we can’t wait to get this game into your hands and onto your tables.
There’s always a degree of uncertainty with crowdfunding, especially as first-time developers. After years of designing this,of slowly bringing this game and its characters to life, we couldn’t have wished for a more generous reception.
We look forward to welcoming all 7000+ of you into the kingdom in 2024.
With that said: What’s next for The Old King’s Crown?
A Short Rest (to recoup some health and spell slots)
The whole team are going to take Friday off and this weekend to rest up - able to return refreshed and raring to go come Monday 27th November.
We’ll make sure to catch up with any messages then and start as we mean to go on, with regular communication and activity as we start the march to completion.
Going forward, we will be posting Kickstarter updates every two weeks, to make sure we are keeping you in the loop with the development process. Expect to see a lot more of the kingdom and its inhabitants, as the remaining artwork is completed. We’ll be covering the final steps of the game balance and project development and, as we near the manufacturing process, we’ll begin showing off pre-production samples of components. We’ll also have behind the scenes developer diaries and live streams, where you’ll be welcome to join us in the chat and ask any questions you may have.
Additionally, if you’d like to join our Discord, you’ll be able to arrange games with other players on Tabletop Simulator, join in the discussions around the game and connect with other folks from around the world who are also there chatting all things board-gaming.
The Pledge Manager
The next major milestone for the project will be the launch of the Backerkit Pledge Manager in mid-December (a big thank you to their team who helped us along the way in the lead-up and throughout the campaign), at which point you will receive an email invite allowing you to access it.
Rest assured, we’ll be sure to post a big update when emails start to go out.
From the pledge manager you will be able to choose your preferred language from the available choices (currently English, French and Spanish), as well as provide your delivery address and finalise any VAT and shipping fees. With these details confirmed, we’ll be able to get you your order when the time arrives next year.
All the Best
It is rare that you get to work on something you truly love - and thanks to you all we are able to do that. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. We look forward to rolling up our sleeves come Monday and beginning the next leg of this wonderful adventure.
Until then, all the best, from -
Pablo, Andrew & the Eerie Idol Gang
Less than 24 Hours Remaining and Language Info
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 11:25:17 AM
Hello everyone!
We can’t believe our Kickstarter is nearly over. There’s now less than 24 hours to go! To celebrate the end of the campaign we have one final (for now) illustration live-stream starting in just over 30 minutes (8pm GMT // 3pm EST // 12pm PST), over on our YouTube channel.
Information on available languages
We’ve had lots of people asking about available languages, so we wanted to reconfirm some details here:
During the Pledge Manager you will currently be able to select between English, French and Spanish versions of the game. Then, later down the line, once all backers have received their copies, there will be English, French and Spanish editions of the base-game-only available at retail.
Regarding other languages and territories, whilst we are in a number of very exciting conversations with other potential localisation partners, we cannot guarantee that other language editions will be available, whether during the Pledge Manager or later at retail.
Of course, we’d love to bring the game to as many people as we can and in as many languages as possible and it is our intention to continue striving to make that a reality. However, we felt it’s important to highlight that we are unable to guarantee availability of a specific language aside from the three listed above!
Next Steps
And so, as one part of the journey concludes, another exciting chapter begins: the road to releasing the game!
We will have a full update tomorrow, before the campaign concludes, regarding our post campaign schedule, as well as as the ways we'll continue to communicate with the community we've built here and through the various other channels we use.
What a wonderful experience this has been and we look forward to enjoying the last 24hrs with you all.
Pablo, Andrew & The Eerie Idols team
Only 48 hours to go!
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 10:33:35 AM
We're in the home stretch!
We can't thank you all enough for your support, feedback, suggestions and encouragement throughout the past month. What an incredible adventure it has been!
But it’s not over just yet!
With only 48 hours remaining, now is the perfect time to share the campaign page with your friends & family. Anyone that backs the project at the £1 pledge will gain access to all the exclusive Kickstarter content listed on the campaign page at the same price (including the metal Active Player token) via the pledge manager. We'll have more information for you regarding the exact date of this going live very soon.
Pablo and I will also be holding the final illustration and Q&A livestream of the campaign tomorrow evening (8pm GMT // 3pm EST // 12pm Pacific). Join us in the final 24 hours as we begin to wrap up this incredible stage of the project.
We're also excited to reveal the final art for The Stag, a Gathering faction card that Pablo completed from ideation to its finished form over the past illustration live streams.
The Stag - A cloven hoof, bent against airs and arts. A glaive in the loam, searching.
Thanks from Andrew, Pablo and the Eerie Idols team!
Entering the Final Few Days!
about 1 year ago
– Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 12:19:38 PM
Hello everyone!
We hope you've all had a wonderful weekend so far!
We can't believe we're about to enter the final few days of our campaign. What an adventure it has been!
However, we're not done just yet!
Join us for a final Illustration / Q&A campaign live stream, on Wednesday 22nd Nov 8pm GMT // 3pm EST // 12pm PST.
Pablo and Andrew will be starting a new illustration for a Kingdom Card, picking a card whose theme is uplifting and fun, as well as fielding your questions in the chat. If you have any burning questions about the design, the campaign, the artwork or next year's plans, whether about printing or convention appearances, this will be a great opportunity to get them answered!
You're all more than welcome to come hang out and celebrate the final stretch!
Before that, however, we'll release an update on Tuesday evening as we enter the final 48 hours detailing our post-campaign plans, including details surrounding the pledge manager, add-ons, timeline and future development updates.
Until then, have a great time and take care!
Pablo, Andrew & the Eerie Idols team.
The Legendary Creatures
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 03:03:20 PM
Hello everyone!
I hope you've all had a great week and that your weekend has some good things in store!
With that said, I hope you find something to enjoy in today's update too!
Development on the game has been continuing apace all throughout the campaign. We'd like to thank everyone who has joined us here, as well as on the art live streams and by signing up to our Discord.
There we've been hosting games everyday (even more than usual), gathering players' experiences, with in-depth one-on-ones, as well as anonymous session feedback forms. Some exciting ideas that were in the works or have cropped up throughout this last stretch have led to some great advancements and we're delighted with how things are progressing.
Here are some key notes:
- The game is growing slightly. We had always planned for some increase in components and even further gameplay options and these are going through play-testing sessions as we speak. This means that all backers of the base game and above will see more in the final box. Some new cards, tokens and most strikingly, it looks like, The Court and its systems will be expanded - complete with an impressive larger new board.
- All your feedback regarding the play experience is being catalogued and implemented and we can't wait to start work on sample-play and onboarding materials.
- We're continuing to explore options for further tools to empower players, including optional QR codes that will link to a living Q&A, as well as community resource for sharing people's solo-mode Archetypes that they've created and that others can face off against.
Also, I'm thrilled to announce an upgrade to the Wild Kingdom.
For anyone who backs at the Wild Kingdom pledge tier or above, we'll now be including, in the expansion box, four large wooden pieces, similar in size to the imposing Heralds, to represent The Legendary Creature Sightings.
These were formally going to be tokens but after some fantastic suggestions from the community and as a sign of our gratitude for all your kindness, consideration and uplifting support of this project and this game, that we've worked on for so long and love so dearly, we took the decision to create these avatars for them, giving them the presence on the table they deserve.
The gang's all here! (note, these are still prototypes and are still being worked on)
These pieces provide your mythical Legendary Creatures cards powerful Sighting bonuses, however be careful, that like with your Heralds, you don't reveal too much information to your opponents.
Alternatively, players are free to use them as alt-Herald pieces, if they are just playing the base game!
The Nobility, that waning house of dawns and dusks, have a raven. Towering above the arches and spires of former glories. A watcher in the twilight, guarding this faction whose play-style resolves around stone-solid defence of key locations and controlling The Court with their old knowledge and name.
The Nobility's Raven
The Clans, unified in a single cresting fleet, have taken to the waves. The air about them bright with songs and spears, they come accompanied by a great bear. At home ranging the water and the slopes of mighty peaks, it represents their martial strength, which is unmatched by the other factions. All momentum and overwhelming shows of force.
The Clans' Bear
The Gathering, a people under the thrall of some strange shape between the stars, converge amidst the trees, under the wings of a moon-lit moth. A faction of rituals and rites, that accrue power at the edges of the conflict, inching their ambitions forward, behind strange and shifting masks. All the while the moth's enormous wings beat silently above, as if in a dream.
The Gathering's Moon Moth
And, finally...
The Uprising represent change, an undoing of the old ways. Unlike the other three factions, they draw strength not from myths, legends and traditions but from the future that they wish to claim. Shaped like a metal steed or some distant, yet-to-be skyline of chimneys and smoke, progress moves irresistibly across the land. As the this people's resistance gathers steam, setting spies and schemes in motion, so too does the momentum of progress of shift into gear.
The Uprising's Progress
We hope you enjoy them as much as we're enjoying designing them! As mentioned, they are of course still in prototype, along with the rest of the project but we're having a great time working on bringing them to life.
In turn, from all of us here, thank you for helping us bring this whole game to life. We couldn't have done it without you all.
We'll be back on Sunday with another update, as we lay out our plans for the final few days of the campaign (I can't believe it - it has flown by in the blink of an eye) and we'll be touching upon what's next for the project, as we start to prepare for the pledge manager, more development polish, print and beyond!